The Theory of Wanda’s Powers

Probably the greatest mystery in X-Men, Marvel maybe even superhero history all together is: what is Wanda’s power in the first place? Quite often it is referred to as “Hex” and one person once said that is seemed she had “massive TK [telekinetic] powers”. The X-Men Marvel Encyclopedia calls it the “Ability to control chaos magick and affect probability field” The simple fact is that no one has any clue what that really is. Stan Lee got away in 1963 by having Quicksilver say: “Wanda! Don’t point your finger! You know it always causes a disaster to occur!” But that was the sixties, and people in the sixties were gullible beyond belief.
So let’s break apart some of the definitions, shall we? It seems that Wanda has some magical powers, but that has nothing to do with my theory so we’ll ignore it. I want to concentrate on the fact that Wanda can “affect probability field” meaning that she can affect or alter probability.
My theory states that with the right amount of training and control there is absolutely no limit to Wanda’s power, and she could even defeat Dark Phoenix fairly easily.
Let’s say that the probability of a certain chair failing over is 260:1. Well, that probability can be altered to 1:1, making a 100% chance of the chair falling over. And we’ve all seen Wanda make chairs fall over, right?
So some random star named “George” by the Volkons from Star Trek suddenly explodes sending thousands of multi-colored meteors hurtling through space by a chain reaction. One meteor, as it falls through Earth’s atmosphere, suddenly changes into a giant purple and orange tarantula and lands right on Kitty Pryde’s head. Kitty immediately panics, and it just so happens that she’s driving at this time and causes a huge accident, infinitely killing Havok. Scott is so devastated by the loss of his only family that he becomes a serial killer and shoots Jean Grey.
Let’s say that the probability of that happening is about 93284854918273548204802672:1. Well, Wanda can alter probability can’t she? So now the probability is 1:1 and BOOM! Jean’s dead.
Of course, to do something big like killing Jean via a chain reaction by an exploding star named George, would take many years of study and concentration. How many years you ask? Well, if all went well she’d be able to do that around the same time Scott willingly betrayed the X-Men.
I mentioned earlier that Wanda could defeat Dark Phoenix? What are the odds of Jean suddenly ceasing to be Dark Phoenix and just being Jean again? You figure out the rest.
So between the probability altering and the little bit of magical power I didn’t talk about, Wanda is all-powerful and you should fear her. ALL BOW TO WANDA!!!