Disclaimer: I don’t own the X-Men, Marvel does.

A.N> Here’s the deal, Rogue and Remy have been sneaking our for a long time and they’re both getting tired of it. When Remy comes to the institute, will Rogue be the only one who accepts him. X23 and Colossus have joined the X-Men.

It was almost midnight by the time Rogue had finished studying. Even though it was Friday, she had a huge test on Monday and really needed to learn the material. ‘Finally!’ Rogue thought to herself. ‘Ah thought Ah would nevah get done.’ She was the only one still awake and was about to change into her pajamas when… “Hello Cherie! What dere business been keepin’ dis Rogue awake.” The Cajun called from her window. “What tha heck a’e ya doin’ here, Swamp Rat?” Rogue said. “I came t pick you up, or don’t you remember?” Gambit replied. “Oh! Yeah, it’s Friday, ain’t it?” Rogue had almost forgot that they had agreed to meet tonight. The two of them had been secretly going out almost every night since the day after they beat Apocalypse, which was little more than two weeks ago. “Are we goin’ or what?” He asked.“Yes, we’re goin.” Rogue said. “Just let meh get ready first.” “As long as I c’n watch.” He asked. “Done.” She replied.

“So, where are we?” Rogue asked Remy as they pulled into a parking lot. “You’ll see.” He replied. “What’re ya up to Remy?” Rogue asked. “Wait ‘n see, Cherie. Wait ‘n see.” Her said as he led her into the building.

Three hours later found the couple at lookout point. “Thanks for taken meh ta tha movie, but why are weh here?” Rogue asked her date. “Ah thought dat, since we’re so much in love, dat you might wont to keep this.” Remy said to Rogue as he pulled a small box out of his pocket. “Remy, what ‘re you…” Rogue started, but paused when Remy opened the box and presented her with an engagement ring. “Rogue, will ya marry meh?” Remy asked nervously. “Oh Remy! Ah, Ah don’ know what ta say!” Rogue said in shock. “How ‘bout yes.” Remy said hopefully. “Yes, Ah’ll marry you.” Rogue answered. “But where are weh gonna get married and how are weh gonna tell ev’ryone?” “I know a place whea we can get married now and weh don haf ta tell ev’ryone jus yet.” Remy said. “Then lets do this.” Rogue said and the two headed off.

“Ah’m sorry Ah almost knocked ya out.” Rogue said as Remy stopped his bike in the woods behind the mansion at 3:30 am. “I’s okay, Rogue. I’ll be all righ’.” He replied. “Ah still can’t believe weh did this.” Rogue said. “Well, Cherie, you didn’t haf ta…” Remy started. “No, Remy, Ah was ready, it’s just that this’s all happ’nen so fast an’ if someone finds out that Ah been sneaken’ out in tha middle of tha night wit’ ya Ah’m gonna be in big trouble.” Rogue explained nervously. “Don worry, Rogue, it’ll be just fine.” Remy said reassuringly as he leaned in to kiss her. “Ah don’t want ta hurt ya again.” She said as he leaned in closer. “Trust meh, you won’t.” he replied, and for the first time, they kissed without her absorbing him. “That was incredible!” Rogue said. “Yea, I jus’ wish dat we could do dis mo’ often.” Remy replied softly. “Well, Ah don’ haf ta be back for a few hours.” She said slyly. “Y move fast.” He said. “Thought ya lahked taken risks?” “Okay den, you convinced meh.” He said. They then headed into the woods.

It was five-thirty in the morning before Rogue finally got back into her room, changed into pajamas, and crawled into bed. ‘Ah still can’t believe Ah got married, but Ah would definitely do it again.’ Rogue thought to herself as she settled down and went to sleep. No one but them knew what had happened and no one would know, at least not yet.

Three weeks later

Rogue sat on a lounge chair she’d moved from the pool to the back yard and was thinking peacefully when she heard a rustle in the bushes by the fence. Knowing what Logan would do if he came out, she decided to find out what the intrusion was herself. She’d made it to the bushes when she heard his voice call to her. “Relax, chere. Dere no way I’d eva hurt y’.” She looked up and saw him standing on one of the branches of a nearby tree. “Remy?” She looked up at him with quite a bit of confusion. “What’re y’ doin’ here?” “Wha’ does it look like I’m here for?” He asked playfully. “Remy, If they catch us…” “Den let ‘em. I can’ stay away from y’ any longer, Rogue!” “Ah know, an’ Ah feel tha same way ‘bout you, but there’s no way Ah’m gonna letchya get hurt ohn mah account.” “Well, when dey come, I jus’ tell ‘em I’m here t’ live wit’ dem.” “Ya’d really do that for me?” “You betta believe it, chere.” He came close and embraced her. She recoiled at first, but soon relaxed and wispered to him softly. “Ah’ve been wait’n for this since our little run-in in New Orleans.” “So’ve I, mon amor, so’ve I.” He answered quietly. She looked him in the eyes, ran her hands along his face, and kissed him. There they stood, undisturbed and desperately in love. She wished that that moment could last forever, however, the older X-Men had just come onto the scene.

Scott stared in shock, but then decided to break this little moment up. “Rogue?” when he said this, the two lovers looked around at their surroundings. “oh. Wha’ brings you guys out here?” Rogue asked timidly. “I could ask you the same, Rogue. What are you doing with him? He’s the enemy!” Scott said in a raised voice. “I’ not y’ enemy any more.” Remy said while staring over at Rogue. “No!” Scott shouted. “There’s no way that the Prof would let you…” “And why wouldn’t I, Scott?” Xavier said as he wheeled onto the scene. “Should I relax now?” Remy whispered to Rogue. “Yeah, Rem, ya can relax now.” She answered. “What do you know that we don’t?” X23 asked. “Yeah, he was totally all over her!” Kurt said in disbelief. “I know that some of you will have a problem with Gambit’s being here at first,” Xavier replied softly, “however, you also all know that we cannot turn our backs on anyone.” “Yes Professor.” All of the team replied. “Now then. Rogue, Gambit, would you two mind coming into my office? Logan, Kurt, you two may want to be here as well.” Xavier said as he started back to the mansion. The whole group then followed suit.

About half an hour later, the four emerged from the Professor’s office. “So, how did it go?” Kitty asked Rogue as she walked by. “Great!” Rogue said, and was actually smiling. “He’s gonna stay!” “Really? That’s like so totally awesome! You two don’t have to sneak around any more!” “How did you know about that!” “I saw you two a few nights back.” “Well, anyway, Ah’m not out of the woods yet. There’s no way the others would let meh see him.” Rogue said tensely. “Oh, don’t worry! I can cover for you if you want.” Kitty said cheerfully. “Thanks Kit! Ye’r a lifesaver!” Rogue said as she ran down the hallway to catch up to Remy.

“And here you are.” Rogue opened the door to one of the guest rooms and led Remy inside. “Wow! Dis is a whole lot betta den de room I had when I worked fo’ ol’ buckethead!” Remy said. “Y’ sure y’ can’t stay here wit’ m’, chere?” “You know tha rules, Swampy. Tha only way I could stay in here is if: a.) they knew we were married, or b.) we’re related.” “I know dat, but can y’ still grace m’ with y’ lovely prescence ev’ry once in a while?” He asked slyly as he walked up behind her. “Ah think that cold be aranged.” She answered playfully.” “Rogue?” Poitr asked as he walked in. “This’d better be important.” Rogue replied. “Ah’m kinda in tha middle of something.” “Ororo wants to talk to you about something. She says it’s very important.” He answered back. “Ahl righ’. Tell ‘er Ah’ll be there in a sec.” She said gruffly as he walked out. “So much fo’ privacy, non?” Remy asked. “Yeah, this is gonna be a heck of a lot harder than Ah thought.” She said. “Bye, Sugah.” “See y’ later, chere.” He said as she walked out the doorway and rounded the corner. Life was taking them along many very dangerous roads, but he was prepared to take them, just so long as she was there with him.