A.N: More free time, meant more writing for me! Let's cut to the chase and get this fic started! *waits for eager response,* well that's disappointing, but I'll survive. If you want to reach me try this handy email address: lily_handle@yahoo.com I will try to respond to all of you.

A New Hope
By: Lily Handle

Hope had certainly been given enough to think about for awhile. She made it through the morning shift at Charity with minimal thought traveling. The countless ear aches, and broken bones made Hope focus on work and forget about the offer to work on her theories.

"You have a visitor before you go," Lorry said, when Hope turned over her last case file.

"Really?" Hope knew she wasn't expecting anyone, at least not that she could remember.

"He's waiting in the waiting room, and I really would love to be you at this moment," Lorry added a wink to her parting words, driving Hope's curiosity to the breaking point. Tossing her brief case higher onto her shoulder Hope scanned the waiting room and started when she saw Logan, from the morning standing in one corner, looking deeply absorbed in his own thoughts. The comment made by Lorry was echoing in Hope's head, there was something eye catching about the figure leaning in the corner, but Hope found him a bit more unsettling.

"Mr. Logan, is there something I can do for you?" Hope asked in a pleasant tone when she stopped before him. Jerked out of his thoughts he studied her for a few seconds, Hope wondered how deep the man had been lost in his own thoughts.

"Professor Xavier is waiting outside to talk with you, come on." Logan pushed away from the wall and Hope followed with a mental shrug, why not? Outside was waiting a black limo, and Logan holding the door open for her. Hope slid inside and was not surprised to find Hank and Charles waiting, what threw her off was the woman waiting with them. She would be tall, Hope thought, studying the woman. Her hair was white and eyes were crystal blue, but her skin was dark brown. Hope wondered if the hair was colored and the eyes contacts.

"Hello again, Doctor Chandler, I would like to introduce Ororo Munroe, another teacher at the Institute" Hope took the offered hand from Ororo, and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you," Hope said, wondering why Ororo had not come in the morning appearance. "Is this about what you came to see me for this morning?" Hope hoped her tone was polite, though she was extremely tiered from her morning works.

"Yes," Charles gave a nod, "I was hoping that your afternoon would be free enough for you to tour the Institute."

"Oh, I'm not going to interrupt anything, am I?" Hope felt child like excitement rush through her, pushing the exhaustion. This was moving faster than Hope had expected, normally she would have thought there would be pleasant lunches and masses of masses of complements.

"No, if you're just observing the going on's then you will not be in the way at all." Ororo said, her voice light and easy.

"If I had known I might have planned a bit better, but Mr. Xavier, I don't seem to understand why you are so open to letting me in to your Institute. If you teach children with the X gene the use and control of their powers you must realize the repercussions of letting the wrong person inside. How are you so sure I am the right person?" Hope had read every article on the X gene, many doctors were working on destroying the anomaly gene, or on the medical problems that could result from this gene. The ideas that some of these doctors had come up with were terrifyingly cruel to those with the gene. They had given Hope some restless nights over the idea.

"By asking that question, Doctor, you have proven you're the right type." Hope smiled at Charles, she decided she like him, even though he was insanely rich.

"I feel as if I should be honored, but I'd have to get past my excitement." Hope admitted, watching as the local High school passed outside the window.

"That's good to hear, most have certain trepidation on entering the school," Hank said.

"Well, you remember the discussions we had in college, genetics is a thrilling field, since the discovery of the X gene. Of course it's also turn the world on edge, but I can't see why. If there are normal people who do good things against the normal evil of the world then why can't those with the X gene do the same thing?" I was a little confused at the exchange of smiles and nods shared between those in the limo. "Sorry, I ramble when I'm working on a new theory or revisiting an old one."

"It's not a problem, Doctor, we like people with open minds, they are the best hope for future." Hope thought that Charles tone had a slight joking feel to it, and smiled accordingly. "Ah, here we are," he said as the limo came to a stop. I slid out of the limo when the door opened and looked at the Institute with nothing less then admiration. Well aged bricks and wonderful landscaping caught Hope's eye, thinking that the building looked more like a museum then a school, or boarding home. Children were found easily enough out on the lawns and through the windows of the school. Hope felt the place was very comforting in it's homeliness.

"It's very impressive," Hope said in awe when Hank came to stand beside her.

"That's only the outside," He replied, and Hope followed him in. Hank was right, of course, the front room was huge and welcoming at the same time.

"Professor, there you are," a boy approached Charles, wearing sunglasses of a red tint. Charles turned his full attention to the boy and I instantly saw the father and son like bond the two had. "I didn't know there was going to be a guest here today," the boy said eyeing me wearily.

"Not to worry Scott, she's here to observe the exercises for today. Dr. Hope Chandler, Scott Summers, one of the Institute's finest students," Charles nodded towards Scott and I smiled as if he was a scared and injured patient.

"Hello Doctor. Professor, Kitty isn't in the building," Scott sounded a bit annoyed and Hope wondered who this Kitty was and what exercises was Charles talking about.

"Well, we will have to have someone stand in her place for the exercises today, there is no point in trying to find her in time. Dr. Chandler is a busy person and delaying practice would cause problems. Isn't that so Doctor?"

"I'll see who's available," Logan said, the second time she'd ever heard him speak, the man was plain anti social.

"Thank you Logan," Charles nodded for Scott to follow Logan, "Ororo will you gather the other students, and supervise this exercise, I would like to explain things to Dr. Chandler and would prefer if Hank was there to assist with the explanations."

"Of course Professor," Ororo also walked away, but she walked back outside, to find the students who were needed for the exercise, I guessed. Left with Hank and Charles I tried to jump in with a few questions, but was too slow.

"If you would follow us, Hope, we'll explain what you're going to see." Hank said walking before Hope, leaving her to follow him and Charles through the richly decorated and twisting hallways of the mansion.

"You spared no expenses on the students, do the live on school grounds?" Hope's eyes wandered over the art hanging on the walls and standing on marble pedestals that lined the hallways. Yes, Charles was insanely rich in Hope's mind.

"Yes, all the students live on the school grounds. It's easier to keep track of them, if their powers were discovered in a normal setting there is no telling what the outside world would do to them."

"Yes, lucky for the children," Hope commented, keeping a mental layout of the school in her head. If she planed on working here she would need that mental map.

"Here, Doctor, this is the control room for the danger room," Hank said as a panel in the wall moved back with a hiss. Hope walked in first, studying the large circular glass room that looked down on a steal wall room that looked as if many of the walls and floors could move back and reveal any a number of dangerous weapons and challenges.

"What exactly is the purpose of the Danger Room?" Hope asked, walking towards one of the walls of monitors and computers that hummed in the room.

"To train the students," At Hope's questioning look Charles smiled and chuckled.

"Everything will be explained very shortly, Doctor. Chandler, please have a seat." Hope took the chair Hank offered and watched in interest as students in blue jump suites walked out into the room, most stretching. Ororo walked out with them, though her, Hope guessed you would call them battle suites, was different from the other students.

"Feel free to take notes during today's exercise, Hope, and as any questions you might have. What would you like to run today Ororo?" Hank spoke clearly and Hope guessed the room was wired so that danger room could hear advice and orders from whoever was in charge.

"The Brotherhood is attack with more regularity at night, try evening run 12." The student's around Ororo groaned, and I heard the mutters of unhappiness even though I was feet about them.

"What is the Brotherhood?" Hope asked, notepad on her lap and pen tucked easily into her right hand.

"They are a group of mutants," Hank said, typing commands into the computer, and Hope watched as lights began to turn off and the windows of the control room turned to screens and night vision clearly allowed Hope to see the students below.

"And they oppose your actions here?" Hope did not note the Brotherhood, it seemed more of a personal issue with Hank and the students.

"The Brotherhood opposes everything," Logan had entered the room, the hissing of the door the only sound to warn those in the room of his presence.

"Alright then," Hope was confused, but didn't make anymore comments on the Brotherhood.

"What run?" Logan asked as he stood over Hank's shoulder, watching the read out on the screens.

"Evening run twelve," Hank replied, "Alright Storm, you can start."

"Who is Storm?" Hope asked, watching as the student's fanned out over the floor.

"Ororo has a code name, as does every student. Depending on what their power maybe," Hope listen Hank, but had to cover her eyes as a cascade of lights were sent into the air, "That would be Jubilee."

"Generation of light." Hope said in awe, watching the pistons of the floor move and shift. The obvious point of the run was to avoid the rising and falling floor.

"The lights act more like fireworks, there goes Spyke. I've warned him about breaking anymore cameras." Logan turned towards one of the TV. screens that had gone to static.

"Spyke?" Hope was taking furious notes on everything her eyes were seeing. She'd be staying up late tonight working on hundreds of new theories.

"Produces bone spikes that he is able to fire at high speeds." Charles said, watching the events below.

"And the others, what about the ice creator?" Hope jumped to her feet as she heard the fizzle of electrical components and the high pitch grind of metal. All eyes turned as the lights flashed on and Hope saw one of the pistons had accidentally frozen in place, and thrown one of the students. Hope moved in nest to Hank, "Don't move her," Hope yelled then turned to Logan, "How do I get down there?" Hope wasn't thinking real hard, she was thinking as a doctor, which never was hard for her.

"Take her Logan, she has medical training." Charles ordered. Hope followed Logan down the hallway and down a hidden flight of stairs. Running through the possible list of injuries Hope rushed through the door and began to push through the crowd that had gathered around the injured student. It was Jubilee, and she was clutching her side.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Hope asked, kneeling down next to her.

"The floor right there went haywire, just jumped, caught Jubilee's side." A near by student said, and Hope nodded.

"Most of her injuries are going to be on the side that was hit, Mr. Logan how much force can these floors create when they rise?"

"Enough to send you flying if you're not prepared." Logan moved to the other side of Jubilee, concern easily read on his face. "What do you think, Doc?"

"I would like to x-ray where she was hit, but from what I feel now she's just got some deep bruising." I looked towards Jubilee, "Do you think any of your ribs feel broken?"

"No, ahh, that hurts," Jubilee moved away from Hope's lightly pressing fingers.

"Definitely bruised. Alright, can you get up, or do you need help?" Hope stepped back as Jubilee carefully sat forward and was led out of the room. Hope followed, Logan and Ororo fell into step beside her. "She's lucky it hit her side." Hope said when they were in the elevator.

"She shouldn't have been hit at all, Logan I thought you worked out all the bugs." Ororo said as the elevator moved silently.

"I did," Logan snapped angrily. Hope felt like it hadn't been a bug, but something that was planed or maybe something that was forced to happen.

"It's no one's fault, it was something that would have happened. Be happy that the girl will walk away with a few deep bruises." Hope interrupted, feeling like she was still playing the diplomatic doctor.

"How long will she be out?" Ororo asked as she stepped off the elevator. Hope hurried to follow her to the infirmary.

"It would be best for her to avoid heavy physical activity for a long time. Three weeks would be best, and after that you'll want her checked out just incase. Deep bruising can take a long time to heal." Hope paused as the door opened to the infirmary.

"Logan, you go check on the floor, see if you can find the mistake." Ororo ordered and Hope was surprised to see Logan listen with no questioning. It seemed to her that he desperately wanted to snap back.

"It's hard for her to sit up," Said one of the students who had helped Jubilee to this room. Hope smiled as she looked around the room, all was in neat order, like the trauma rooms at Charity had been.

"We'll wrap her ribs, were are they stored?" Hope asked, looking at the tens upon tens of cabinets. Ororo walked over to one of the drawers and pulled free a mass of Ace bandages.

"It looks nice on the outside, but it needs to be organized." Ororo said when she handed over the Ace bandages. Hope nodded, and turned back towards Jubilee, still holding onto her ribs where the platform has stuck her.

"I'll need you to take off your shirt, so I can wrap your ribs. Ororo can you find some ice for me I'd like to wrap some next to the bruising." Hope hadn't voiced the order as an order but it as followed non the less.

"I can get Bobby to make more ice when I need it," Jubilee laughed and then groaned as she removed her shirt. Hope looked at the deep blue that spread over most of the girls side, yes she was deeply lucky the floor had not hit with more force, it could have cracked ribs and caused internal bleeding. Hope took the ice from Ororo when she handed it over.

"Who's Bobby?" She asked, carefully wrapping over the ice and making sure she had it tight, but not enough to hurt.

"Iceman, the one who creates ice, he was in today's exercise." Another student who had helped Jubilee to the room offered.

"That an incredible power to have," Hope said as she tucked in the end of the Ace bandage. "You would never have warm soda." Hope was happy when the student around her giggled and smiled. It was just like her pediatrics internship.

"Hello, Ororo, Dr. Chandler, how are you Jubilee?" Hope turned as Charles appeared at the door. Jubilee had her shirt pulled on and you could barely see the bandages.

"I feeling better, Professor, the ice helps and Dr. Chandler?" Hope nodded towards Jubilee's questioning eyes, "She helped." Hope smiled, thinking that everyone here could have done what she did.

"Now, Dr. Chandler, do you recommend that she stays out of the exercises?" Charles asked, looking towards Hope.

"Yes, the bruises are deep, and will be painful for awhile, take aspirin or Advil for that, movement will make it worse, but she should sit up, pillows behind her would be best," Hope felt like she should be writing this all down and handing over a prescription. It was so easy for her to be a doctor around strangers than herself.

"Well, Doctor, it seems like you would fit in well at the institute," Charles said and Hope gapped.

"You can't mean to offer me a place here when I've done nothing to deserve it," she stammered, taking an involuntary step backwards and covering her heart with her hand.

"Certainly you have Doctor," Ororo said this time, walking over to stand next to Charles. "You helped Jubilee without a second thought."

"That is certainly not enough to count for a job position," Hope was deeply excited, but she couldn't to seem accept the idea of working here.

"Would you prefer an interview?" Charles asked, "Then hours of countless waiting for a reply?"

"No, but, are you sure, Mr. Xavier?" Hope dared to smile at Charles. The idea that she would be here, work here, maybe live here and be able to work on her theories, there was a God in Hope's mind.

"Of course, but there would be some guide lines for you to follow if you were to work here." Hope nodded furiously, her excitement taking her over. "You would have to work here, in the infirmary when the students are training, and you only work on your theories when you have free time."

"Of course Mr. Xavier, would you prefer I lived on grounds, I do have a car," Hope then paused, "I'd have to quit Charity, wouldn't I?"

"No, you wouldn't unless you found the work too much." Charles said smoothly, "You're a rare person, Dr. Chandler, you understand the children here and you want to show the world that they are not to be feared for a genetic anomaly."

"I'm flattered," Hope stuttered, "But I do believe it would be best if I lived and work on the school grounds. It was time I moved on from Charity, some of the younger interns need a shot at being the top Doc." Hope smiled, "When would you like me to move in?" Hope paused after finishing the question, something in the air around her actually changed, it wasn't that puzzle piece sliding into place feeling, it was more like opening Pandora's box.