It's true everyone is a critic. Yes even me! Anyways, here I keep all my reviews of Self Possessed written by the lovely reviewers of whomever. You can send me a review:

1. No swear words.
2. Be honest.
3. Show some respect.

That's it really. Just be honest without cursing. All opinions are free. I am always opened for suggestions. I am all ears. Do go on!
(c) Copyright 2003-2004. Self Possessed. All Rights Reserved. Layout was created by  Jay. Self Possessed was created on December 24, 2003.
Gagde Reviews:

Site name- 5/5 points - Cool Name I Like It!

Creativity- 8/10 points - Your site had a good bit of Creativity I admit that but it could use some more things in it.

Layout- 18/20 points - You could of some more work on the layout other wise the colors and the way it was arranged was done very well.

Content- 15/15 points - There is alot of Content here.

Splash/Enter page (If you don't have one, then replace this category with 'First Impression')- 4/5 points - You could of done some more graphics and your layout was to simple. But very blue one of my favorite colors.

HTML or Spelling Errors/Mistakes- 5/5 points - Wow.. your smart

Loading Time- 5/5 points - Fast loading good work

Overall- 30/35 points - I give the site a 30 overall. You put alot of work into this site and thats what gives a 30 overall.

Total- 60/100 points

Comments - You can get your site reviewed again just take some tips from this review and maybe it will get better and you might get better reviews. Thanks for sumbitting your site.
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Crystalic Reviews:

Reviewed on: November 15, 2003

Total score: 45.5/50 points

The Review

- Enter/ First Impression: 5/5 points. Yay! Purple! I was wondering how long it would take before someone actually uses purple on their layout. The name 'Self Possessed' actually made me thing your site was a personal site... But I guess not. Anyway, so far so good.
- Layout: 8/10 points. Is it just me, or is there a little line going down the middle of your top banner? Yes, there is a line. Unless I'm mistaken, that line is formed because you made half of the banner, then copied, then mirrored it, correct? Perhaps you made it for a special effect, but I think the banner might look nicer if it doesn't have that line. And you can do that by either blur the middle section, or make a full banner next time around...
Also, I haven't look at your source code yet, but based on my "foolish assumption", this is a table layout, correct? However, the top banner, which is centered, isn't as wide as the rest of your text. It needs to fit the screen, or as wide as the rest of your site.
- Content: 14/15 points. I have nothing to complain about the 'General' section, so let's move on, shall we? The 'Rogue Info' section is really good. I've never known who Rogue is until now... so this is all new stuff to me... lol. I like your 'Photo Album' section, especially the sketches. The 'Rogue Interview' under the 'Humor' section is really good, too. Overall, your site basically has met all the "general expectations" for a fan site.
- Navigation: 5/5 points. No broken links. Navigation is easy and simple.
- Loading time 5/5 points. No probléme here, either :p.
- Spelling/ Grammar 1.5/2 points. Okay. I caught a lot of "picky" little grammar things at first glance. I'll try to point out some of them on your index page alone. In your welcome message, "...when coming in contact with anyone", "coming" should be "come". In your update on November 8, "have officially post" should be "have officially posted". "Figure" should be "figured". And a few other mistakes, mostly punctuation - missing a colon or something like that. But they're not too distracted. On your navigation menu, "Rogue Info" should be "Rogue's Info", same thing goes with "Rogue Interview"; it should be “Rogue’s Interview”… "Awards You to I"? I understood what you meant, but perhaps it should be changed to "Awards I Won" or something like that. Fairly good spelling overall, though.
- Overall: 7/8 points. Well, the layout could use some editing. Other than that, your site is fairly good. Keep up with the "Photo Album" and the "Humor" sections.
Total Score: 45.5/50 points.
Rogue Reviews:

Splash Page
No splash page, and no need for one. Your layout looks a little cramped, what with all of those link buttons up at the top of your page. Maybe you could move them somewhere else?

Main Page: First thing's first, let's get rid of the centered text in the opening paragraph. It makes your words look all crumpled up together and sloppy. "This is a fansite dedicated to yours truly Rogue. Her powers to asborb memories and abilities when coming in contact with anyone had caused her to be different from everyone else. Rogue had been looked down upon to be just another mutant from the eyes of society. Everyone just have to learn that Rogue and the mutants are here to stay." This doesn't make sense on many levels. First off, when someone says "yours truly" that means you are talking about yourself. So this leads me to believe that you have made this site from Rogue's point of view, and will talk like Rogue throughout the site. Then you go on in the second sentance to say just doesn't make sense. I advise tossing out the yours truly remark. I think the second sentance would look better written as "Her powers to absorb memories and mutant abilities after touching someone have cause her to feel different from everyone else." The third sentance would look better written as "Rogue has been looked down upon to be just another mutant by the eyes of society."

Bio of Rogue:
"17 but not pressumbly 18" . That was written down for her age. It would sound so much better written as "17, possibly 18."

Rest of the Rogue Info: I can't really correct you on your facts or not since I'm only a fan of the X Men movies, but I can say that your information was well organized. I didn't catch any more grammatical mistakes. I think that maybe you could extend a bit on the Gambit and Rogue romance since you obviously favor it. Maybe you could make a page dedicated to the romance, or Rogue's crush on Scott and how it motivated her to do some of the things she's done.

These thumbnails are rather small. They don't really look like thumbnails at all, just the original image shrunk down to tiny porportions. Either way, I would make them a bit bigger. It's hard to see which picture you want to look at when the thumbnails are this size.

Rogue's Clothing Line: I think you could go a bit more in depth here. Maybe say which episode it was where she wore each outfit and describe each outfit. And maybe why you think it fit's Rogue's personality or why you think she chose to wear those particular clothes.

Jean Therapy: This is a cute idea, I just don't think it'll take off. You don't seem to get into the character's personalities very well. Or maybe that's just because I've only seen the movies, I'm not sure.

Stranded: Um...there's something wrong with the voting form. You can't see the words that go along with it, because your background is black. You need to be sure to change the font color for the voting form too, because most people aren't going to take the time to think to highlight the text so they can read it.


Sorry I couldn't help much with correcting information. I hope the review I gave you will help you organize your site better however. This site shows a lot of promise, although I didn't care much for the design you use. You seem to have a rather extensive Rogue site, at least from the X Men: Evolution point of view. I liked your extra sections like the stranded and the Rogue interview. They were things that most other fansites I've seen don't have. They kept me interested in the site, and actually made me want to watch X Men: Evolution.

Technical Stuff

Work on your thumbnailing, centered text, and the grammatical mistakes I mentioned.

Keep it Up

The extra sections. Very creative and original.

Work Harder On

Finding more information and expanding your information some. There is probabaly a lot more about Rogue that you can say. Expand on her relationships with Scott, Logan, and Gambit. You could probabaly have three legnthy pages on each of those relationships.

The Final Say

Would Rogue ever visit this site again?
Actually, I have it bookmarked and plan on coming back to learn more about Rogue in this series.

Rogue has rated this site:

Average. It's on it's way to becoming a great fansite, but the poor organization and grammatical mistakes are dragging this site down.
* RogueFan
Acolytes R' Us
Deadly Touch
Dark Feelings Reviews:

Splash - 3/5

+ Image * 1/3
The image has a nice effect itself but it would certainly look better if you had blended its sides to the background. The button rotation there on the side also makes the whole screen look a bit more messier~ If you place it at the bottom of the page it'd make everything look better.
+ Requirements * 2/2
Tables isn't really a requirement because all computers can view it~ But I didn't take a mark off that.

Layout - 15/20
+ Navigation * 5/8
Yes the navigation's nice and tidy but try separate each section of the navigation more...? Put a bigger space between the last link of each section and the heading of the next section. Also try balance out the two sides of the navigation. The little section at the bottom of the page - you can exclude that.
+ Style * 4/5
I like it how your site fits for all resolutions 800 x 600 and higher. The darkish feeling but with the people in the image with santa-hat makes it quite special.
+ Other * 6/7
I think you should make the guestbook the same style as your layout. On the whole it looks a LOT less stylish and unfit.

Content - 16/20

+ Originality * 8/10
There's a lot of quite original content on your site that's different to others.
+ General * 8/10
An average amount of content. Try provide more "resourceful" kind of things therefore to obtain a higher attraction.

Graphics/Text - 14/20

+ Graphics * 6/10
I think you should try to (as mentioned before) blend in your splash/main images to the background. The quality of your top image is quite low. If it has more colours and is a picture that is supposed to stand out, don't save it as GIF - that ruins the quality of the image. The separator bar you use on your pages can be a little thinner as well.
+ Text * 8/10
The text size can be just a little more bigger. You should try also to enlarge or add some more effects to headings in your pages to make them stand out. The colour and font is good.

Effects - 8/10
I still think that you should have a linkhover effect to make it more obvious that it's a link.

Credits - 2/5

Yes well you did list the credits out but if it's a site you should LINK to them.

Annoyance - 4/5

Loads fast but I don't like the Geocities-ad on the side. You can get an ad-killer.

Link - 5/5
Yes thanks for the link. Doesn't get long to get to ^_~

Other - 8/10
Quite a nice site althought I still feel that your text can be just a shade more lighter for a more effective contrast. Cool site^_~

TOTAL - 75/100%
Nice work but you missed out on an award! Don't worry... I believe you'll continue to improve and you should^^