Amara Aquilla - Magma

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Amara Aquilla - Magma

Real Name: Amara Aquilla
Team Affiliation: X-Men
Age: 14-16
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Origin: Nova Roma
Power: Can project waves of heat
Friends: Iceman, Tabitha
Enemies: ??
Must See Episode: Growing Pains, Walk on the Wild Side, Day of Reckoning, Cruise Control, Ascension I & II
Voiced By: Alexandra Carter

Amara comes from a small island known as Nova Roma. There she was completely isolated from the rest of the world. So when Charles recruited her, she didn't know all the technology they had, and is currently still adapting to the culture change. If compared to the actual four X-Women, Amara would be Jean. She tries to be perfect at everything, and when she's not, she tends to puts herself down. She's a hard worker, and is a loyal team member who follows orders the best out of all the New Recruits. Amara is responsible, loyal, and hard-working. She's a team member who will not let you down.

Amara's mutant powers allow her to project waves of heat, or create and control magma, which gives her the code name Magma. Sometimes when Amara uses a lot of magma/heat her body is surrounded by that heat and turns into a lava-like state. Do not underestimate Magma. Her powers may seem lame, but she's got some fierce powers that can do some reasonable amount of damage to anything, or anyone. A downside to Magma's powers prevents her from taking her body off the Earth grounds. In the air or at sea, Magma gets weak if she is not on the Earth where the Earth's magma generally flows.

So far only Tabitha and Amara have appeared to get the most screen time out of all the new mutants. She was featured in Walk on the Wild Side, and had a good part in the Day of Reckoning episodes. She even had an episode dedicated to her in Cruise Control.

Amara Aquilla is a "secondary" character in the show, meaning that she is not one of the main stars, and is usually in the background of a storyline.